Sunday 25 February 2007

Sunday 25th February 2007

Not a lot of news since last post. Jane has had a pretty busy week with quite a number of visitors and she has been out and about a fair bit too. After church on Friday we attended "Carers Day" at the hospice; I think I got more out of it than Jane although she did benefit from a massage. Then, on Saturday, we went away for the weekend to friends, Geoff and Maureen, down in Somerset. Apart from 5 nights in the hospice in January(!!) this is the first time since Christmas that Jane has felt well enough to have a night away from home. We had a pub lunch in Montacute and popped in to see Mike and Nicky Liddicoat on the way home; a pretty full weekend. Jane is resting now but she is so much better than she was four weeks ago. Another archive photo! This was taken almost exactly one year ago in New Zealand.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Saturday 17 February 2007

Jane is so much better! We have had "Jan from Than" here until yesterday and Jonathan and Cherry are here today. Jane has even been cooking - More visitors tomorrow and, all being well, church! This photo was taken this afternoon by Cherry (unlike the archive photos from earlier posts). On the whole Jane's pain levels are reduced and she is feeling less sick and less tired. What larks, Pip, what larks!!

Sunday 11 February 2007

Sunday 11 February 2007

Jane was able to attend church at St Pauls today; the first time for many weeks. Good to see so many friends - thank you.

Thursday 8 February 2007

8 February 2007

Jane is a lot better today and even managed a visitor before going to the hospice where she saw the doctor managing palliative care. The Doc was happy with a "steady as she goes approach" and agrees with the plan of having a scan in late March followed by some chemotherapy. Jane is in much less pain today, no nausea and enough energy to do some sorting with Lydia before Lyds takes off to New York next week for a month. Leo will be here next week for a few days and so Jane will have had both her "chicks" at home for a few days - always good for morale. Jane's old school friend, "Janet from Thanet", is also coming up for a couple of days towards the end of next week - another morale booster.

Well, that's it for now except to say that Jane's book is coming along nicely but we would welcome any further items. We have had pressed flowers, photographs, reminiscences, do use your imaginations.

Love from a snow free Salisbury.

Peter and Jane

Wednesday 7 February 2007

Thanks for finding the blog

Dear Friends

Thanks for finding the blog that we posted today, 7 February. Quiet day today but we have a visit to the hospice tomorrow to chat with the palliative care team so we will probably update tomorrow afternoon.

Making it Easier to find out about Jane

I have been trying to figure out how to make it easier for you all to check in and see how Jane is doing. It seemed to me that a blog would be the simplest solution. And you can simply forward the details to other friends who might wish to know how our girl is doing.

Not much news since I e-mailed on Monday but from now on look out for this blog. Thanks.