Monday 28 May 2007

Monday 28th May 2007

Jane's ankles are still swollen and her hands and feet are still sore and peeling skin (sorry if that is too much detail!). But, she was at hospital last week and her tumour marker count has dropped again - to 190. If you think back about 3 months it was 2000! This puts Jane back to where she was about 12 months ago which is fantastic news. Of course, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy have done good work but thanks to all of you for your love, thoughts and prayers. They have meant so much to all of us through a very dark time.

In the meanwhile, we had another great weekend in Cornwall visiting Leo's exhibition at the end of his Foundation Course. We were all hugely inspired by his work and that of his peers (you can still catch it at Falmouth Art College and the Arts Centre this week!!) It was also a great chance for the four of us to be together - far too rare these days. We stayed with our dear friends Graham and Jenni out at Nancledra who, as always, were generous hosts. Probably drank too much wine but it was great out there. I swear that stretch of coastline and countryside tucked up behind Trencrom and Zennor is the best part of Britain, never mind Cornwall.

Before we went to Cornwall on Wednesday we managed a trip to the Royal Hospital for supper hosted by David and Margot Radcliffe where we met up with lots of old friends from Cyprus days. After supper we had the chance to wander around the Flower Show. And on Thursday night we went down to Portsmouth to see Rufus Wainwright (Loudon's son). A wonderful concert that must have been 2 hours long - no wonder we're tired.

Also, this week Jane and her group of determined quilters from St Paul's finished the quilt for Irena who returned with it to Moscow.

We are so lucky!!

Sunday 20 May 2007

Sunday 20th May 2007

The weeks fly past. Jane is still off the chemo and will be seen by the oncologist next Thursday. Her ankles are still badly swollen and she has flaking skin on her hands and feet. The Doc will review the side effects and make a decision with Jane as to whether she starts the next cycle on Thursday; possibly she could go back on a lower dose.

This weekend we have been in Kent visitng Jane's family. We called into Canterbury on Friday evening to see Jonathan and Cherry - Jonathan has just left for a week working in the US. After supper there, we went on to Broadstairs for the remainder of the weekend. We caught up with Janet from Thanet, Janette (from Dover) and Susie from Broadstairs (St Peter's) - is that right Susie? This week's pic is Jan from Than and her Mummy with Jane at Morelli's Cafe (famously untouched sixties decor and fantastic coffee in Broadstairs.) Please take note of Jane's spotty blouse (it's very pretty).

We also had birthday coffee with Jean, Kay and Len. We were treated to Sunday lunch at the famous Dog and Duck with Cherry by Jane's parents and then headed back to Salisbury. On the way home we popped into see Lydia in Guildford.

Despite swollen ankles Jane managed a walk along the beach and plenty of socialising - all in all another good weekend. Please pray for Jane's ankles and a good visit to hospital on Thursday. Love and thanks to all!

Monday 14 May 2007

Monday 14th May 2007

I knew I should have waited for Jane's hospital visit. Lot of concern about the swollen ankles and sore feet but the tumour markers have dropped again by quite a lot and the liver function has improved. Fantastic news!

Sunday 13 May 2007

Sunday 13th May 2007

The Stamps' blog is running on time this week; more than we can say for the Stamps themselves! Jane and I went down to stay with Ken and Verity Jackson in Crickhowell and got on the wrong train coming home. Instead of heading for Salisbury we were in Cardiff. Still, only a 30 minute delay and we did have seats, after all.

Jane is between chemo cycles at the moment. She goes to hospital tomorrow and will be given intra-venous pimudranate, her next lot of pills and some more results (positive, we hope and pray) - not a dull moment. For the moment she is tired and her ankles and legs are swollen. She also has sore hands and soles of the feet - all chemo side-effects.

Despite, the heavy rain we had a great weekend in Wales. Ken and Verity are great hosts and, in Jane's words, "you can behave as if you are at home". (well, almost). We ate too much and didn't exercise enough but every now and then I guess it's OK.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Wednesday 9th May 2007

Oops! I have missed my deadline this week. But, no news is good news. Jane is about to finish the 2nd cycle of chemotherapy and is keeping pretty well. We had a weekend at home but next weekend we are heading off to Wales so all is looking pretty good.