Thursday 25 October 2007

Thursday 25th October 2007

Jane and I leave for the airport in less than an hour for our holiday in the Oman but there is breaking news. Jane was at the hospital this morning for routine stuff and results. Docs are so pleased they have said no more treatment of any kind until January. It's a great start to the hols and many thanks again for all your prayers that have helped to make this so.

Sunday 14 October 2007

Sunday 14th October 2007

Jane has started another course of chemotherapy and will finish it in about 10 days' time; just before we plan to take belated summer holidays in the Oman with Marianne and David Price. The chemo is making Jane feel very tired and achy so, naturally, we hope that some warmth and sunshine will help to cheer her up.

Jane's father's funeral took place last Tuesday on a very wet afternoon. It was a wonderful service. Jane's brother, Jonathan, delivered a wonderful homily that really got to the essence of 'Dear Bill'. Jane read the lesson; word perfect. Many thanks to all the friends who sent cards and codelences.

This photograph was taken at the Louvre on our recent visit to Paris. As always, thank you for your continuing thoughts, prayers and good wishes.