Wednesday 24 February 2010

Wednesday 24th February 2010

We saw the orthopaedic specialist and the oncologist together on Monday morning with a phone-in from the palliative care doctor. A consensus was quickly reached that surgery would not be appropriate at this stage and that the focus should be on removing pain. Jane has been prescribed with some new painkillers about which we are cautiously optimistic. She has been taking them since Monday. The problem has been that pain tends to break through suddenly and viciously and that really needed to be gripped. We were at a family wedding last weekend (see photo) but it just about finished Jane off by the time we got home on Sunday evening.

She started another course of chemotherapy on Monday and we will see the oncologist (and the orthopaedic specialist) again in mid-March.

Jane's nephew, Jake, has also been really ill - progression of the leukemia. He has just had a brain operation to remove an abscess. He is being very brave about it all.

Please keep praying for them both.


Peter and Jane

Monday 8 February 2010

Monday 8th February 2010

This is just a quick post and I will follow up later. Jane got to see orthopaedic surgeon today - at very short notice so I wasn't with her. Apparently the news is not good. Despite our early optimism following the bone scan, a more detailed analysis indicates quite significant progression of the disease in Jane's arms, legs and skull. Normally the hip pain would be resolved by surgery but that is not possible in Jane's case for obvious reasons. The surgeon is going to consult with a colleague based in Oxford and will come back to us - quickly I hope.

You will also want to know that Jane's nephew, Jacob, is in intensive care at the Royal Marsden fighting an infection.

As usual, we ask for your prayers.

God bless.

Peter and Jane