Thursday 27 January 2011

Thursday 27th January 2011

We saw the oncologist on Monday but we needed more blood tests to get a better picture of what was going on. So, we were back there today to discuss what was happening. Pretty good news really - all the results seem to show that the disease is held in check. Jane certainly seems a lot better these last few days than she has been for some time.

We jointly decided that hitting Jane with more chemo today was not a great idea. Jane needs to put on some weight and get a little stronger again. She will go back to see the oncologist again on 14 February with a thought to having more chemo. I will blog again after that and before if there is something notable to report.

Meanwhile, we thank you all for your continuing prayers and messages of support. It is also always very heartening when people tell us that they follow the blog; we often never know who is out there reading!!

Sunday 16 January 2011

Sunday 16th January 2011

Jane has gone down to Kent to visit family there. She will go to stay with her Mum in Broadstairs for a day or two tomorrow. Currently she is in Canterbury with her brother, Jonathan, and family. The photo is of Jane with Jacob, her nephew, who also has cancer. It is the first time since last April that Jane has managed this journey - another miracle, especially as she only came out of the hospice on Friday - it's quite wonderful.

Friday 14 January 2011

Friday 14th January 2011

Jane came home from the hospice today - she is much better than when she went in 8 days ago but very tired. Thank you for all your prayers, messages and love.

God Bless you.

Monday 10 January 2011

Monday 10th January 2011

We saw the oncologist this morning and it only took about 15 seconds for us all to agree that Jane wouldn't have chemotherapy today. Jane will see her again on 24 January. She is still at the hospice and, on current plans, will probably come home by the end of the week. She is much better than she was 4 or 5 days ago but I think she is still quite frail and we are both convinced that she is being best cared for there.

I attach a couple of photos taken this morning in Jane's room at the hospice after we had got back from visiting the oncologist.

Thank you, as always, for all your love and support.

God bless you.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Thursday 6th January

Jane is now in the hospice and seems much happier for it. She is in her comfort zone surrounded by doctors, carers and nurses who all know her well. She is already eating and drinking more. I think she is just exhausted. We are all much happier to see her perking up.

Will blog again soon.

As ever, our thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers.

God bless you.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Wednesday 5th January 2011

Since I last wrote Jane has steadily worsened. She has hardly been up and has felt increasingly nauseous. Having seen the doctor yesterday and the community nurse today, Jane has had the cyclizine syringe driver (anti-sickness) plumbed back in. She is quite dehydrated and possibly anaemic too and so there is a possibility that she might be admitted to the hospice to get her stabilised as quickly as possible. That would be likely to happen tomorrow - I will keep you posted.

God Bless you.