Tuesday 24 November 2009

Tuesday 24th November 2009

Jane saw the oncologist yesterday having had an MRI scan and x-rays a week or so ago. Her most recent blood test indicates that the chemotherapy is having a beneficial impact in lowering the blood tumour markers although Jane is experiencing considerable pain and nausea. The scan indicates that the cancer is present in Jane's neck and she may need radiotherapy for hips and neck but we agreed that unless something unexpected crops up - no radiotherapy until after Christmas.

The oncologist explained that the way the cancer manifests itself can be expected to change and so we have to be prepared for that and flexible in the way that it is treated - no wonder I was confused by what was happening. So, it is something of a mixed picture but it could be far worse than it is. We'll keep you posted; we see the oncologist again in a couple of weeks time.

God Bless

Monday 16 November 2009

Monday 16th November 2009

Jane saw the oncologist today. The cancer count in her liver has dropped a little. It is too early to tell if the chemotherapy she had a week ago has had any real impact. However, she is in a great deal of pain in her hips and so she had an x-ray this morning and went back for a lengthy and painful MRI scan this afternoon. She starts chemo again this evening and she may need some additional radiotherapy on her hips in the near future. It was a bit of a bleak day really. The oncologist showed us a scan and the cancer seems to be fairly well spread.

Jacob is also continuing his valiant fight against leukemia with his fair share of problems from side effects of the treatment.

So, could we ask for lots of prayers for them both.

Love from us all.