Tuesday 28 April 2009

Tuesday 28th April 2009

We haven't blogged since early March but Jane's trip to the oncologist has stirred us to action.  The news is not too bad:  Jane's tumour markers have gone up again but the rate has slowed - I guess that's what you'd call a 'bad news - good news' scenario.  She also had an x-ray done of her hip that has been causing quite a lot of pain recently - not sure if that's cancer or athritis.  Finally, she will have a scan in the next couple of weeks just to do a full check of other parts.  So, overall, pretty fair and certainly nothing dire or unexpected.

The rest of our news?  Jane's Mum came to stay for Easter - we really enjoy seeing her here and it gives an excuse to do things we don't normally do.  Jane and I went to the sunrise service at the cathedral on Easter Sunday morning - it's always a delight.  

We seem to have been really busy just lately.  Lydia spent the weekend making a small movie of the set construction at the Playhouse with a lot of help from Sharon and Andrew Cooper who came all the way down from Hitchin to help.  We went to see Leo's band (Taking Tiger Mountain - can be found on Myspace) play a gig at Madame Jojo's in Soho supporting Betty and the Werewolves (don't worry if this sounds like a parallel universe).  We are the only parents who hadn't seen them in action and, despite no sound check, we thought they'd dun good.

The bluebells are out now in Groveley Wood andso we have walked up there a bit to see this fantastic blue/purple haze of colour spread through the wood.  We have had really nice weather so it has really prompted us to get out a bit more.  An amazing contrast from the snow we had not long before my last blog.

My dear late mother's old friend Mary Morris came to see us for a night at Easter and kept us all spellbound over dinner with accounts of her trip to Yalta with Churchill.    What lives they did lead in WRNS.

Well, I must off to the supermarket to get some supper but I shall try and blog more frequently rather than just when Jane sees her specialist.  Please, do keep her on your prayer list because you can see the effect of her prayers with your own eyes.  Even the oncologist has stopped talking about "timeframes".

Our love to you all.