Sunday 23 December 2007

Sunday 23rd December 2007

Well, we end the year with so much more hope than we when we started. Jane went to hospital last week and had another very positive session. Some more tests early in the New Year but the prognosis is good. As for all of you life is now hectic as we prepare for Christmas; Perhaps we all work too hard at this time of year at the wrong things much of the time but still....

It's great to have both Lydia and Leo here and Jane's Mum. We have friends coming for supper this evening and we are off to the carol service at the cathedral.

We wish you all a very peraceful Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year. Once more we thank you for the prayers that have done so much to restore Jane's health.

Friday 16 November 2007

Friday 16th November 2007

I tried to post this last Sunday but I lost my draft and ran out of time. So here goes again. We had a great holiday in the Oman and Jane showed enormous energy and seemed to need less naps and more shopping!

Marianne and David Price were great hosts and I also managed to catch up with Mac McCourt whom I served with in Cyprus. The kindness these friends showed us was icing on the cake of a great holiday in a very beautiful and friendly country. We arrived home a week ago today. I have been on a course this week and Jane has been with her Mum down in Kent.

Jane hasn't been feeling so great since we returned and today she saw her GP. She is on anti-biotics but there are no signs of any major issues. On the positive side, she is using less pain relief and she has gained a little weight - so, reasons to be cheerful!

Once again, we thank you all for your continuing prayers.

Thursday 25 October 2007

Thursday 25th October 2007

Jane and I leave for the airport in less than an hour for our holiday in the Oman but there is breaking news. Jane was at the hospital this morning for routine stuff and results. Docs are so pleased they have said no more treatment of any kind until January. It's a great start to the hols and many thanks again for all your prayers that have helped to make this so.

Sunday 14 October 2007

Sunday 14th October 2007

Jane has started another course of chemotherapy and will finish it in about 10 days' time; just before we plan to take belated summer holidays in the Oman with Marianne and David Price. The chemo is making Jane feel very tired and achy so, naturally, we hope that some warmth and sunshine will help to cheer her up.

Jane's father's funeral took place last Tuesday on a very wet afternoon. It was a wonderful service. Jane's brother, Jonathan, delivered a wonderful homily that really got to the essence of 'Dear Bill'. Jane read the lesson; word perfect. Many thanks to all the friends who sent cards and codelences.

This photograph was taken at the Louvre on our recent visit to Paris. As always, thank you for your continuing thoughts, prayers and good wishes.

Thursday 27 September 2007

Thursday 27th September 2007

This is a very sad time. Jane's father, Bill, died on Sunday; he would have been 86 years old on the 9th October. There are no words that I can find to express adequately how much Jane loved her father and how she feels the loss. We all mourn the passing of a lovely man who was an inspiration to all who knew him.

Jane continues to do well. She is still taking her cycles of chemotherapy and although she is often tired and aching she also has quite amazing energy. As I type she is making cakes for Lydia to sell at a Macmillan coffee morning. Why isn't Jane doing it this year? Only because I am dragging her off to Paris in 25 minutes time.

She will start another cycle of chemotherapy shortly but will take a break when we go away for a couple of weeks (hopefully in the first half of November).

We thank you for your continued prayers - they are working.
Love to all.

Thursday 6 September 2007

Thursday 6th September

Well, it's a month since we last blogged - good news in itself. Jane went to hospital on Monday and got more good results - her tumour marker count has dropped still further; I reckon it is back to where it was more than a year ago. Jane started a new course of chemo yesterday and, even at a low dose, it seems to be doing good. Of course, she still gets tired and achy from time to time but she is just so much better in general terms. Thanks to you all for your prayers. This month's photo is of Jane with her cousin, Vivienne, who was visiting from Texas.

Other news - well, Lydia is now in full-time employment as the Theatre Administrator at Salisbury Playhouse and full-time at home too. She says she is making up for all the years away at school. She is also having driving lessons; avoid Salisbury on Friday afternoons.

Leo is off to Cardiff on Saturday and starts at Newport on his film and video course on 17 September. We will miss having him around.

That's all folks!

Much love from us all.

Monday 6 August 2007

Monday 6th August 2007

Jane had a scan about 10 days ago and so went to hospital for results this morning. Things look promising. Tumour markers stay low, there are no signs of significant change and her liver looks unchanged. The oncologist seemed very pleased and that is a disproportionately good sign. Jane also finished a course of chemo at the weekend and now she has a week off before starting again. Of course, she is often tired and achy but she's still here, folks!

We went to Edinburgh this weekend for a long weekend and stayed with Andrew and Caroline Mackay. It was a really fun trip. Icing on the cake? seats in the Royal Box at the tattoo when Andrew took the salute. Whenever he was required to salute, a lamp came on in the box, bathing him in light - sort of like being touched by the hand of God's right hand man at the tattoo.

On the way home we popped in to see Andrew and Sharon Cooper. Sharon not only baked us a cracking Victoria sponge but also took us some photos. That's it for now - we'll write when there is some more news.
Love to all.

Monday 16 July 2007

Monday 16th July 2007

Jane was at hospital today for another dose of intravenous bone glue. Her tumour marker count is slightly up (from about 150 to about 170). Blood tests show liver looks pretty good. She will probably start another course of chemo in the next couple of days.

Lovc to all.

Monday 25 June 2007

Monday 25th June 2007

We were at the hospital this morning. Jane's tumour markers have dropped again - to about 152. I have attached the graph to illustrate how her health has turned around over the last 6 months (a double click will enlarge the image). The Doc's prognosis is very positive and we have real hope for the future. Thank you, all, for your prayers - see what a difference they have made. Despite the shingles Jane is well enough to start another round of chemo in the next couple of days.

This blog has been turning into a bit of a "wot we did on our hols" piece; that wasn't the original intention and so we intend only to post once a month or so depending on news.

Love to all.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Wednesday 20th June 2007

We will have been back from Italy a week tomorrow. Time has flown. We had a fantastic 9 days staying with Martin and Tina in their apartment in Orvieto; they were brilliant hosts and looked after us so well. Something of a miracle that we got there because I took Leo's passport to the airport and not Jane's! Fortunately Bob Kershaw did a mercy dash with the right passport and got to Bournemouth airport with 3 minutes to spare.

We didn't do a great deal but we did manage to see Balsena, Civita, Assisi and a couple of other places including Martin and Tina's villa near Pozzuolo. It was a bit of a treat to see the Corpus Christi celebrations in Orvieto from M and T's balcony! The main thing was for Jane to have a change of scene and air and a chance to rest.

We stayed the night in Pisa before we flew home. There's a lot more there than the leaning tower and we found a fantastic restaurant too. Bit of a scrum at passport control in the airport but at least we had the right passports.

Both Lydia and Leo are home at the moment so the house feels kinda full. Jane has a trip to the hospital next Monday. Her swollen ankles are calming down and so, to compensate, she now has shingles - it's not slowing her down much - but that's Jane!!

Love to all.

Monday 28 May 2007

Monday 28th May 2007

Jane's ankles are still swollen and her hands and feet are still sore and peeling skin (sorry if that is too much detail!). But, she was at hospital last week and her tumour marker count has dropped again - to 190. If you think back about 3 months it was 2000! This puts Jane back to where she was about 12 months ago which is fantastic news. Of course, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy have done good work but thanks to all of you for your love, thoughts and prayers. They have meant so much to all of us through a very dark time.

In the meanwhile, we had another great weekend in Cornwall visiting Leo's exhibition at the end of his Foundation Course. We were all hugely inspired by his work and that of his peers (you can still catch it at Falmouth Art College and the Arts Centre this week!!) It was also a great chance for the four of us to be together - far too rare these days. We stayed with our dear friends Graham and Jenni out at Nancledra who, as always, were generous hosts. Probably drank too much wine but it was great out there. I swear that stretch of coastline and countryside tucked up behind Trencrom and Zennor is the best part of Britain, never mind Cornwall.

Before we went to Cornwall on Wednesday we managed a trip to the Royal Hospital for supper hosted by David and Margot Radcliffe where we met up with lots of old friends from Cyprus days. After supper we had the chance to wander around the Flower Show. And on Thursday night we went down to Portsmouth to see Rufus Wainwright (Loudon's son). A wonderful concert that must have been 2 hours long - no wonder we're tired.

Also, this week Jane and her group of determined quilters from St Paul's finished the quilt for Irena who returned with it to Moscow.

We are so lucky!!

Sunday 20 May 2007

Sunday 20th May 2007

The weeks fly past. Jane is still off the chemo and will be seen by the oncologist next Thursday. Her ankles are still badly swollen and she has flaking skin on her hands and feet. The Doc will review the side effects and make a decision with Jane as to whether she starts the next cycle on Thursday; possibly she could go back on a lower dose.

This weekend we have been in Kent visitng Jane's family. We called into Canterbury on Friday evening to see Jonathan and Cherry - Jonathan has just left for a week working in the US. After supper there, we went on to Broadstairs for the remainder of the weekend. We caught up with Janet from Thanet, Janette (from Dover) and Susie from Broadstairs (St Peter's) - is that right Susie? This week's pic is Jan from Than and her Mummy with Jane at Morelli's Cafe (famously untouched sixties decor and fantastic coffee in Broadstairs.) Please take note of Jane's spotty blouse (it's very pretty).

We also had birthday coffee with Jean, Kay and Len. We were treated to Sunday lunch at the famous Dog and Duck with Cherry by Jane's parents and then headed back to Salisbury. On the way home we popped into see Lydia in Guildford.

Despite swollen ankles Jane managed a walk along the beach and plenty of socialising - all in all another good weekend. Please pray for Jane's ankles and a good visit to hospital on Thursday. Love and thanks to all!

Monday 14 May 2007

Monday 14th May 2007

I knew I should have waited for Jane's hospital visit. Lot of concern about the swollen ankles and sore feet but the tumour markers have dropped again by quite a lot and the liver function has improved. Fantastic news!

Sunday 13 May 2007

Sunday 13th May 2007

The Stamps' blog is running on time this week; more than we can say for the Stamps themselves! Jane and I went down to stay with Ken and Verity Jackson in Crickhowell and got on the wrong train coming home. Instead of heading for Salisbury we were in Cardiff. Still, only a 30 minute delay and we did have seats, after all.

Jane is between chemo cycles at the moment. She goes to hospital tomorrow and will be given intra-venous pimudranate, her next lot of pills and some more results (positive, we hope and pray) - not a dull moment. For the moment she is tired and her ankles and legs are swollen. She also has sore hands and soles of the feet - all chemo side-effects.

Despite, the heavy rain we had a great weekend in Wales. Ken and Verity are great hosts and, in Jane's words, "you can behave as if you are at home". (well, almost). We ate too much and didn't exercise enough but every now and then I guess it's OK.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Wednesday 9th May 2007

Oops! I have missed my deadline this week. But, no news is good news. Jane is about to finish the 2nd cycle of chemotherapy and is keeping pretty well. We had a weekend at home but next weekend we are heading off to Wales so all is looking pretty good.

Sunday 29 April 2007

Sunday 29th April 2007

We have had a really busy weekend. Jane is now on her second cycle of chemo and the dose has been increased to about 75% of what she was having last summer. We think the higher dosage added to the cumulative effect of the first cycle is taking its toll. She is much more tired now and aches a lot. She is also suffering swollen ankles and fingers. That's the bad news but we have had a really good weekend.

We left Salisbury on Friday evening and were in Lostwithiel (Cornwall) in time for dinner with Andy and Jenny Barclay - preceded by a pint in the Globe! On Saturday morning we went on to Falmouth to spend the day with Leo. After a stroll in Falmouth we went on down to Perranuthnoe to see Jenni Gilbert in her new venture running a beach cafe - it's highly recommended (just 1/2 a mile off the Helston -Penzance road) and doing a roaring trade.

Jane samples Jenni's baked potato

In the afternoon Jane took a nap in Leo's room while Leo and I had a stroll on the beach. We had an early pub supper overlooking Falmouth Harbour before giving Leo a hug and returning to Lostwithiel. We started late on Sunday morning but Andy produced excellent scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee followed by Sunday papers in the garden.

Andy and Jenny smiling at the thought of peace at last

We stopped for lunch with Geoff and Maureen Albert on the way home in Crewkerne. It was Geoff's birthday so we had the added treat of gooseberry birthday cake in the garden. You won't be surprised to learn that Jane is taking a nap while I type this!

Maureen's gooseberry birthday cake

Monday 23 April 2007

Monday 23rd April 2007

Some say that no news is good news but on this occasion we have an exception to prove the rule. When Jane was in hospital today the oncologist informed her that her tumour markers had dropped by about 75%!!!! We have been saying that miracles are to come!

Sunday 22 April 2007

Sunday 22nd April 2007

Jane is going to start her second cycle of chemo on Tuesday. She is at hospital tomorrow for her normal dose of intravenous gunk and the Doc will probably check, and may adjust, dosage of chemo at the same time. She has been pretty tired over the past week; I think the cumulative effect of the drugs was starting to show. She has been achy and tired but everything is relative and the impact is nothing like as bad as it was back in January.

Despite the fatigue Jane has been quite busy. I am back at work pretty much full time in Upavon so Jane is doing more at home and venturing out for the shopping. On Friday evening Mike and Janet Kerley swept into the drive in their rather lovely convertible Mercedes for dinner - Jane cooked a delicious fish pie!! At 11pm I was out with Mike collecting tadpoles under torchlight for him to take back to Hawley for his garden pond!

On Saturday I had a trip to London so Jane prepared to receive more guests in the form of Ken and Verity Jackson who ventured out of deepest Wales to stay a night (Ken tells me they can't be found on SATNAV). No sooner had they arrived, we deserted them to go and have dinner at the invitation of Nigel de Foubert in Amesbury. It was great to meet up with Nigel and Beatrice again and he had also invited Andrew Postance and Julia (not seen since he left Idmiston). My dear cousin Mike and lovely Nicky were also there and it was a pleasant surprise for Jane. Nigel is a brilliant cook and a generous host (we owe him countless dinners!). We had a really good time and enjoyed too much food but we probably stayed longer than we should - Jane was past her "sell by" date by the time we got home - thanks, Nigel, we will get you here eventually! Despite the tiredness, we all got to St Paul's this morning and managed a good lunch before K and V set off back to Wales.

Next week, apart from the chemo there isn't much planned but we are hoping to go down to Cornwall next weekend to see Leo. Looking further ahead, we have booked flights to visit Martin and Tina Leggett out in Orvieto in June - that's great news in terms of Jane's improved health and an opportunity to see Martin and Tina in their natural habitat!!
This is all pretty routine stuff and I had thought about letting the blog lapse but, on balance, I think we'll run on for a few weeks and see how things go. Thanks to all of you who phone and those who comment on the site - particularly lovely Sally C out in Ontario.

Sunday 15 April 2007

Sunday 15th April 2007

Jane has almost completed her first cycle of chemotherapy. It has been a much easier process than last Summer. Of course she is on a lower dose but she has stayed pretty well throughout with the exception of some tiredness and a little nausea.

Leo and I went to Twickenham today for the EDF rugby finals with our good friends the Barclays who very kindly gave him a lift back to Cornwall afterwards - College starts tomorrow.

Jane went to church at St Pauls this morning and this afternoon she visited Heale Gardens with Bob and Lynn Kershaw. She will have a week off the chemo from Tuesday and then she will start a second cycle.

I return to working a normal week from tomorrow at HQ AG in Upavon.

Sunday 15th April 2007

Jane has almost completed her first cycle of chemotherapy. It has been a much easier process than last Summer. Of course she is on a lower dose but she has stayed pretty well throughout with the exception of some tiredness and a little nausea.

Leo and I went to Twickenham today for the EDF rugby finals with our good friends the Barclays who very kindly gave him a lift back to Cornwall afterwards - College starts tomorrow.

Jane went to church at St Pauls this morning and this afternoon she visited Heale Gardens with Bob and Lynn Kershaw. She will have a week off the chemo from Tuesday and then she will start a second cycle.

I return to working a normal week from tomorrow at HQ AG in Upavon.

Sunday 8 April 2007

Sunday 8th April 2007

Easter Sunday - Christos Anesti!! Jane is doing well on the chemo - much better than last summer. We were up at 4am today so that she could wash her hair before going to the 5am Sunrise Service at the Cathedral.

We started outside with a bonfire and birds singing the dawn chorus before entering the cathedral with candles - darkness into light. The service lasted 2 hours. Jane did really well, but we did have a nap when we came home before Easter breaksfast with Lyds and Leo.

Monday 2 April 2007

Monday 2nd April 2007

Well, we had the results of Jane's CT scan today. The good news is that there does not appear to be anything going on in her lungs. The bad news is that about 6 small lesions have been identified in her lungs and the tumour count in her blood has risen again. You may recall that this not a complete surprise because the oncologist had hinted at this some weeks ago. Still, miracles are to come!! Jane is going to start a course of chemotherapy tomorrow. It will be of the same type that she had last time - it comes in pill form and avoids the requirement for intravenous injections in her poor veins. We know it had a positive effect last summer and this type of chemo also means that Jane will not lose her hair.

There's not a lot more to say really, except, of course, that Jane is being as brilliant as ever and to ask for your prayers - especially for Jane's liver!! We'll let you know how the chemotherapy goes next week.
The photograph was taken just before Christmas with Lottie Pennell (daughter of Bruce and Brenda)

Saturday 24 March 2007

Saturday 24th March 2007

First I have to start with apologies for taking so long to update the blog. Jane had an x-ray a few days ago to check out some concerns about her lungs (she often feels really breathless). We were concerned and didn't want to write anything here before we knew what we were dealing with. Jane's GP phoned earlier this week to tell us that the x-rays didn't show up any major problems and the breathlessness is probably another side-effect of the radiotherapy. That's not exactly good news but it is the least-worst news we could hope for at the moment.

Jane has had another busy week. We were out for dinner on Tuesday and we had guests (Jenny and Ken from Aberdeen) for three nights. Leo came home from college on Friday night and Lydia is here on Sunday with "her Jim" to celebrate both their 21st birthdays.

Thanks to you all for continuing messages, cards, prayers and good wishes. Special thanks this week to Claire in NZ for great photos of Chris and Caro's wedding and to Jenny and Ken for a non-stick saucepan - scrambled eggs will be an easier option in the future!!!

Jane's tests are at the end of next week - we'll keep you all posted.

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Tuesday 13th March 2007

I am getting later and later posting blogs but this time for a good reason because I was waiting for the latest pictures of Jane's activities. We went to Kent on Friday stopping three times en route; lunch with Shirley Clark, a brief shopping foray in Dorking to support Jane's quilting activities and a visit to Lynda Kokoulis in Whitstable.

On Saturday we were at a birthday party to celebrate Tess and Theo reaching their first birthdays - and although Cherry sent me the photos I lack the technical know-how to get them onto the blog. So, it's another from the archive taken in Port Mahon rather than delay the process longer! On Sunday morning Jane managed a walk by the sea from Dumpton Gap to Broadstairs and then up the cliff for a coffee at Morellis (wonderful, unspoiled sixties' cafe with really good coffee). We then went on for lunch to celebrate Kay and Bill's 57th wedding anniversary - many congratulations again to them!

We made our way home on Sunday afternoon after watching England beat France (thank you for your patience, Jonathan!). All in all, it was a busy weekend - Jane did really well and had 2 consecutive nights out of her own bed!
In about one hour we are off to collect Lydia from Heathrow at the end of her New York adventure. Jane feels up to a Salisbury - Heathrow - Guildford - Salisbury round trip so that can't be bad.
Our love to you all.

Monday 5 March 2007

Monday 5th March 2007

To borrow a phrase from Garrison Keillor, "it has been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon". Hence no posting of blog until today. Jane has been doing pretty well including another night away from home with John and Shirley Clark last Wednesday whilst I went to London for a "round table" on Darfur led by Crisis Action (pretty depressing). On Saturday we walked in the park on a beautiful sunny morning for what must have been almost three quarters of a mile. And on Sunday we attended church at St Paul's followed by lunch in a local pub with Sally and Andrew Gregory - Jane even wolfed down some dessert!! So, there has been some really positive stuff. Today we were up at the hospital for Jane's monthly intravenous dose of Pimudranate (spelling?) which is supposed to strengthen her bones. Sister Claire found a vein first time (second only to Roy with a needle) so it all went pretty smoothly. Less welcome news during the visit was that the tumour marker count in Jane's blood went up again between mid January and early February. There's something to pray about.
Looking forward to more positive events, Lydia returns from New York in 8 days' time and Leo is home three days later.

Well, I think that is about all for now except to thank you all for the continuing prayers, kind words, flowers and letters that we continue to receive almost daily.

Sunday 25 February 2007

Sunday 25th February 2007

Not a lot of news since last post. Jane has had a pretty busy week with quite a number of visitors and she has been out and about a fair bit too. After church on Friday we attended "Carers Day" at the hospice; I think I got more out of it than Jane although she did benefit from a massage. Then, on Saturday, we went away for the weekend to friends, Geoff and Maureen, down in Somerset. Apart from 5 nights in the hospice in January(!!) this is the first time since Christmas that Jane has felt well enough to have a night away from home. We had a pub lunch in Montacute and popped in to see Mike and Nicky Liddicoat on the way home; a pretty full weekend. Jane is resting now but she is so much better than she was four weeks ago. Another archive photo! This was taken almost exactly one year ago in New Zealand.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Saturday 17 February 2007

Jane is so much better! We have had "Jan from Than" here until yesterday and Jonathan and Cherry are here today. Jane has even been cooking - More visitors tomorrow and, all being well, church! This photo was taken this afternoon by Cherry (unlike the archive photos from earlier posts). On the whole Jane's pain levels are reduced and she is feeling less sick and less tired. What larks, Pip, what larks!!

Sunday 11 February 2007

Sunday 11 February 2007

Jane was able to attend church at St Pauls today; the first time for many weeks. Good to see so many friends - thank you.

Thursday 8 February 2007

8 February 2007

Jane is a lot better today and even managed a visitor before going to the hospice where she saw the doctor managing palliative care. The Doc was happy with a "steady as she goes approach" and agrees with the plan of having a scan in late March followed by some chemotherapy. Jane is in much less pain today, no nausea and enough energy to do some sorting with Lydia before Lyds takes off to New York next week for a month. Leo will be here next week for a few days and so Jane will have had both her "chicks" at home for a few days - always good for morale. Jane's old school friend, "Janet from Thanet", is also coming up for a couple of days towards the end of next week - another morale booster.

Well, that's it for now except to say that Jane's book is coming along nicely but we would welcome any further items. We have had pressed flowers, photographs, reminiscences, do use your imaginations.

Love from a snow free Salisbury.

Peter and Jane

Wednesday 7 February 2007

Thanks for finding the blog

Dear Friends

Thanks for finding the blog that we posted today, 7 February. Quiet day today but we have a visit to the hospice tomorrow to chat with the palliative care team so we will probably update tomorrow afternoon.

Making it Easier to find out about Jane

I have been trying to figure out how to make it easier for you all to check in and see how Jane is doing. It seemed to me that a blog would be the simplest solution. And you can simply forward the details to other friends who might wish to know how our girl is doing.

Not much news since I e-mailed on Monday but from now on look out for this blog. Thanks.