Monday 25 October 2010

Monday 25th October 2010

We went to see Jane's oncologist again this morning, had the normal blood tests and decided that although Jane's blood had improved it was better to leave the chemo a little longer. Jane is still feeling nauseous from time to time and a week to gather more strength seemed like a good idea.

After the oncologist, we popped around to the hospice to get a professional view on the site where the syringe driver goes into Jane's arm; it was sore and red so one of the lovely nurses changed the site and we will now add a small dose of steroid with the anti-sickness drug to try and prevent this happening. It was a beautiful morning and Jane was really pleased to be out in the sun.

On the way home we bought some of Jane's favourites "sweet yum-yums" from Waitrose. I took a picture of her enjoying one in the sun room when we got home. Jane is sporting her new "Mia Farrow" look. The last photos posted on the blog were from Jane's party back in July (all the others are 'archive' shots from earlier); we both thought it important that you can see how she is - thinner but still smiling.

Thank you again for all the cards, prayers, visits, calls, kind words, emails, flowers and love.

God Bless you.

Monday 18 October 2010

Monday 18th October 2010

Jane's mother has been staying with us this weekend and returned to Kent this morning. Leo has also been at home and came to hospital with us this morning. Jane has been sick several times in the past week and the drugs, as they say, didn't work. So, she now has a cyclizine (anti-sickness) syringe driver in her arm that will need to be changed every 24 hours. However, this has always seemed to work best and so Jane feels a lot more confident. Unfortunately, although her blood test had improved a little, because of the sickness in the past days we agreed it was best not to have chemo week though, it looks as if Jane will have chemo and pimudranate - lucky girl!

Jane does get tired very easily now but she did manage to do a little shopping with her Mum on Saturday and she got to church and out for a pub lunch yesterday.

Thank you for your continuing prayers, kind thoughts and positive messages. We don't always reply but we do appreciate them.

God bless you

PS Pic from NZ

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Wednesday 13th October 2010

We went to hospital on Monday and saw the oncologist and palliative care doctors. Jane had a blood test (it took about 45 minutes to find a vein!) but after all that her blood results indicated that she wasn't up to having chemo; it seems strange but we were disappointed in many respects. There is not a lot of other news - Jane is a fighter and keeps going. She got to church on Sunday and last night we went to see Ross Noble at the City Hall -there's always a bit of positive news.

Thank you for continuing prayers.

God bless you

Peter and Jane

Monday 4 October 2010

Monday 4th October 2010

Jane and I got back from the hospital about 30 minutes ago. The good news is that the oncologist (who saw us at the end of a long afternoon) is reasonably relaxed about the blood tests. However, Jane has had an awful thrush infection in her mouth and this has been accompanied by quite bad nausea. So, I think the plan is to put back in an anti-sickness syringe driver so that Jane hasn't got to take so many drugs orally. There was also consensus that she wasn't up to having more chemo this week. We'll see how she is next week and then make a decision. This accords with the plan to "see how it goes".

In the meanwhile we should both like to say a huge thank you to all those who participated in the 24 hour circle of prayer; we are both convinced that it has had a positive effect.

Well, that's the news in outline. I am always happy to chat to you on the phone and fill in detail but I do try and 'protect' Jane a bit when she is resting so please be patient in that respect.

God bless you all.

Peter and Jane