Saturday 25 September 2010

Saturday 25th September

Just brought Jane back from the hospice. She had an MRI scan last night - very extensive. It showed that there was no evidence of pressure on her spinal cord and so she's a free woman again. As I type, she's flower arranging!

Friday 24 September 2010

Friday 24th September

Jane has been readmitted to the hospice today. She has pain in her leg that may be caused by a tumour putting pressure on a nerve or the spinal cord. She should have an MRI scan this evening. Depending on what that reveals, she may have a blast of radiotherapy next week.

Needless to say Jane remains buoyant and worries more about us than she does about her own predicament. I will update again in next day or two.

Thank you, as always, for prayers.

God bless you.

Monday 20 September 2010

Monday 20th September

We went to the see the oncologist today to figure out what next. Last week we abandoned the plan to have a long weekend away because Jane felt so unwell - pain in her bones and nausea. But yesterday she seemed to really buck up and was pretty good today all things considered (and in a relative kind of way).

Jane had a blood test that indicated that nothing major was going on in terms of the cancer but that there was a high level of calcium in her blood that could be causing the nausea (amongst other things). Because Jane is still rather fragile we agreed that this week she would have an infusion of pimidrunate (no idea if that's how it's spelt) to try and reduce the calcium level and then next week, all being well, a low dose of Taxol (chemotherapy) and we would see how it went week by week.

We asked a little more about how the disease was progressing overall. The nodules reported in Jane's lungs after the chest infection she had in August are not confirmed as cancer; they just weren't there before the infection and they might be cancer - good news! The tumours in her liver are bigger but they are not as numerous as we had been led to believe - good news! The disease in Jane's bones is well advanced but, thus far, it has not affected her spinal cord - GOOD NEWS!

I don't really have a clue what all that adds up to but I have come home more cheerful than when we went. Of course, Jane has lost a lot of weight, needs to rest a lot, doesn't have a great appetite but we're not hitting the panic button just yet!

Thank you, all, again for your calls, words and prayers - they are an immense source of strength to us both.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Wednesday 8th September

Jane went to see the palliative care team at the hospice today. She came home very tired but with promising news. The view there is that the advance of the disease is perhaps not as great as we had first feared and time may not be slipping away from us as quickly as we had feared a few weeks ago. Of course, we need to remain cautious but this is welcome news.

God bless you all and thanks, as ever, for your prayers.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Thursday 2nd September

Well, we did manage to get away for one night - to Milford on Sea. The picture is of Jane (obviously!) by the sea with our hotel in the background. As you can see the sun came out on Bank Holiday Monday and we took a trip into Lymington before meandering back to Salisbury - we know how to live!!

We went to the Healing Service at the Cathedral this evening - always a lift for Jane. She is in a lot of pain just now and mobility is a bit of a challenge, especially in the mornings. Still, she amazes people with how much she does and how well she manages. And she still seems to notice all the things that I hope she could overlook!

The chemo starts on 20th September. We hope to get down to Kent before that.

Thank you to you all for all the emails, flowers, fruit and especially your love.

God Bless you.