Friday 26 November 2010

Friday 26th November

Jane had a blood transfusion yesterday. She no longer has a syringe driver in her arm and the combined effect of the new blood and recent chemo is similar to that of putting the new battery in the toy rabbit on the Christmas advertisements! She's getting feisty so she must be feeling better too.

Prayers answered again. Thank you, all, so much.

God bless.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Tuesday 23rd November

Oops! I made a mistake in the last blog entry. Lydia gets married to Luke on 11 December!! Jane very bright at the moment. The syringe driver will probably be taken out in the next few days as well. She is due to have a blood transfusion this week to solve a minor anaemia problem.

God Bless you.

Monday 15 November 2010

Monday 15th November 2010

Just a quick update. On the whole Jane seems a lot better. She has had a small dose of chemo today and will have some blood before Lydia's wedding to treat slight anaemia. Then no more chemo until after the wedding - currently planned for 16th December. This should allow sufficient time to recover enough to enjoy Christmas.

As always, we thank you for your continuing messages and prayers of support.

God bless you.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Sunday 7th November 2010

Jane has a week off for good behaviour - no hospital visit tomorrow! The chemo she had last Monday has made her very tired but she is strong in so many ways. She came to church this morning and was accompanied by Lydia who had her banns read - very exciting, and so many people came up afterwards and congratulated her.

Leo has been home this weekend for his birthday. He and I went to see Australia play Wales at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. It was a good day out but the stadium was only about 2/3 full - the recession must be biting in the Valleys. In the evening Jane and Lydia came out with us to celebrate at Annokka, one of our favourite restaurants in Salisbury.

Last week Jane had her old friends, Janet and Suzie, staying for a couple of days. Leo bought fireworks and set them off in the garden and Jane was able to watch from the window; she borrowed Jan's hat - hence the photo.

We both draw huge support from all your calls, visits, emails, letters and 'love outpouring'.

God bless you.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Wednesday 3rd November 2010

Jane went to the hospital on Monday and did have chemo at a reduced dose. Her hair is very thin now and so she has also been measured up for a wig. The anti-sickness syringe driver seems to be effective but the steroids in the mix are making her ankles very swollen. She is brilliant though and just keeps going.

Of course, we are all excited because Lydia has announced her engagement and will marry before Christmas. Jane was out shopping for wedding dresses today! It's the best thing for her and she's just as excited as Lydia.

We both feel your prayers and thoughts make such a difference to us. We have had some hard times lately and it is a great comfort.

God bless you.