Monday 2 April 2007

Monday 2nd April 2007

Well, we had the results of Jane's CT scan today. The good news is that there does not appear to be anything going on in her lungs. The bad news is that about 6 small lesions have been identified in her lungs and the tumour count in her blood has risen again. You may recall that this not a complete surprise because the oncologist had hinted at this some weeks ago. Still, miracles are to come!! Jane is going to start a course of chemotherapy tomorrow. It will be of the same type that she had last time - it comes in pill form and avoids the requirement for intravenous injections in her poor veins. We know it had a positive effect last summer and this type of chemo also means that Jane will not lose her hair.

There's not a lot more to say really, except, of course, that Jane is being as brilliant as ever and to ask for your prayers - especially for Jane's liver!! We'll let you know how the chemotherapy goes next week.
The photograph was taken just before Christmas with Lottie Pennell (daughter of Bruce and Brenda)


Sally said...

Hi Jane and Peter,
Thanks for updating your news for us in this blog. I just love going to see new pictures of Jane, and to know what you are dealing with, so I can say fresh new prayers for you. I have been working on a little oil portrait of you Jane, but it is not going very well, as I was using the picture posted on your 11 Feb. post, and it is so small when I print it out, I cannot see the true colours that should be in the areas of your face that are necessary for getting a good you think you could send me a larger file with this picture Peter, perhaps I can print off a larger image and maybe I can have another go at it?
Life in Kingston is rolling along okay. Dave is busy screwing holes into the family room floor at the moment, as he says that the squeaky floor drives him crazy! He enjoys all the DIY stuff, and he thinks he can fix it, bracing it from underneath down in the basement.
Love to you both XO

Jenny and Alan B said...

Hello Jane and Peter, sorry for not being in touch, but as you know we have had a little hiccup here!!! As ever we are bowled over by you Jane and your great strength. We pray for you all the time. It's a lovely Spring day here in Ross and we hope that it's the same for you. We pray that the chemo is going well and look forward to your update. Sorry we will miss N o H's supper party but we look forward to seeing you soon. Lots of love to you all.
Jenny and Alan xxx