Sunday 15 April 2007

Sunday 15th April 2007

Jane has almost completed her first cycle of chemotherapy. It has been a much easier process than last Summer. Of course she is on a lower dose but she has stayed pretty well throughout with the exception of some tiredness and a little nausea.

Leo and I went to Twickenham today for the EDF rugby finals with our good friends the Barclays who very kindly gave him a lift back to Cornwall afterwards - College starts tomorrow.

Jane went to church at St Pauls this morning and this afternoon she visited Heale Gardens with Bob and Lynn Kershaw. She will have a week off the chemo from Tuesday and then she will start a second cycle.

I return to working a normal week from tomorrow at HQ AG in Upavon.


Sally said...

Hi Jane, Peter, Lydia & Leo,
Oh wow!!!Just love the family picture! What beautiful young people Lydia and Leo are!! Just love your haircut Lydia! Jane so glad that your chemo has been tolerable, you are a tuff still have that steely determined smile, so that's great to see. Must be nice to sit out in the sunshine, we have had the most dispicable April so far, tomorrow we are expecting 5cm of snow...drudge and more drudge.yuck.
Dave is away in Yellowknife at the moment and on to Victoria after that, he wont be back till May 20, I am really missing him it is a big ole' house with just me home...and the blasted TV has gone on the blink...cant stand these blasted remotes, where's the bloody knob when you need one??!
My updated website url is come visit sometime.
Just love the updates, thanks Peter.
Love Sally

Malia McNeny said...

I hope all is well with you.
I am glad to hear your Chemo is not causing you any more trouble.
Tell lydia i love her hair!
It looks like a bright sunny day where you are. It is the same here!!
Lots of love from Dallas!


Andy and Jenny said...

Hi there from us in Cornwall.Got back safely with car!!!! We are on the case about parking in Richmond!!!
Lovely to see you Peter and to have been able to help with Leo. He got bcak safely we assume!! Lovely photo of you all too.