Sunday 15 April 2007

Sunday 15th April 2007

Jane has almost completed her first cycle of chemotherapy. It has been a much easier process than last Summer. Of course she is on a lower dose but she has stayed pretty well throughout with the exception of some tiredness and a little nausea.

Leo and I went to Twickenham today for the EDF rugby finals with our good friends the Barclays who very kindly gave him a lift back to Cornwall afterwards - College starts tomorrow.

Jane went to church at St Pauls this morning and this afternoon she visited Heale Gardens with Bob and Lynn Kershaw. She will have a week off the chemo from Tuesday and then she will start a second cycle.

I return to working a normal week from tomorrow at HQ AG in Upavon.

1 comment:

Lyn Koukoulis said...

Hello my Darlings,
Just tuned in to catch up and I am so pleased Jane that the chemo is not too bad. Please God that it may continue to be so.
I hope by now that you have a good batch of Kombucha and are drinking it by the gallon! Don't forget to puree down excess cultures to eat, lovely!
I'll phone you soon, but wanted to send you my love and let you know that I'm praying for you.
Lynda Koukoulis xxxxxxxx