Monday 28 May 2007

Monday 28th May 2007

Jane's ankles are still swollen and her hands and feet are still sore and peeling skin (sorry if that is too much detail!). But, she was at hospital last week and her tumour marker count has dropped again - to 190. If you think back about 3 months it was 2000! This puts Jane back to where she was about 12 months ago which is fantastic news. Of course, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy have done good work but thanks to all of you for your love, thoughts and prayers. They have meant so much to all of us through a very dark time.

In the meanwhile, we had another great weekend in Cornwall visiting Leo's exhibition at the end of his Foundation Course. We were all hugely inspired by his work and that of his peers (you can still catch it at Falmouth Art College and the Arts Centre this week!!) It was also a great chance for the four of us to be together - far too rare these days. We stayed with our dear friends Graham and Jenni out at Nancledra who, as always, were generous hosts. Probably drank too much wine but it was great out there. I swear that stretch of coastline and countryside tucked up behind Trencrom and Zennor is the best part of Britain, never mind Cornwall.

Before we went to Cornwall on Wednesday we managed a trip to the Royal Hospital for supper hosted by David and Margot Radcliffe where we met up with lots of old friends from Cyprus days. After supper we had the chance to wander around the Flower Show. And on Thursday night we went down to Portsmouth to see Rufus Wainwright (Loudon's son). A wonderful concert that must have been 2 hours long - no wonder we're tired.

Also, this week Jane and her group of determined quilters from St Paul's finished the quilt for Irena who returned with it to Moscow.

We are so lucky!!


Jenny and Alan B said...

Dear Jane and Peter, so very good to hear your news, well done Jane. What a hectic time you have had, it all sounds wonderful. Our love as always Jenny and Alan.xx

Sally said...

Hi Jane & Peter,
Sorry Jane to hear you have sore hands and feet, I guess the treatments have their side effects which not be very pleasant...but really happy to hear your tumor count is down! That's really nice and I'm happy you are getting to enjoy some lovely times with Lyds & Leo & Peter. Wish I could have seen Leo's exhibition...but oh well, I allready have a Leo original!("Dave Barbequeing"...remember that one? I saved it.)Nice Quilt Jane! WOW! It's pretty. Laura Ashley fabrics? I love blue & yellow. That's a nice picture of you and Lydia having tea, I had to chuckle I pointed out to Dave the number of pairs of spectacle cases on the windowsill!! Sort of like our house, at least 2 pairs in every room! Rachie had her grad ceremony on Thursday, she got 3 awards! So proud of her. Dave & I went to Missisauga for the occasion, and took her out for lunch & then dinner after. Janie has found a new job serving banquets at Minto Suites Hotel in Ottawa, she is happy as it pays well, and she will be able to keep it part time when she goes back to school in September. Holly & Jeff still doing agricultural work on farms in Queensland, they are saving to explore again starting in September. They work hard in the heat, but dont seem to mind they seem very happy.....Guess that's about it for this week. Miss you both very much, but love reading your blog, thanks for keeping it up Peter. XO Sally