Tuesday 4 August 2009

Tuesday 4th August 2009

Dear Friends

Just to let you know that Jane is doing a lot better now. She seems to be responding well to the antibiotics and, to be honest, she is now feeling the radiotherapy side effects as much as the pneumonia. Thank you for all your prayers. Will blog again soon.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Dear Jane & Peter,
Sorry it's been so long since i commented. But great to catch up on your activities with this blog, thanks so much for posting for your lazy friend Sally! ha. The summer flew by, Dave was busy a lot and away a lot, but we did drive out to Nova Scotia to visit Rachel for a week...and had spectacular weather and it was Wonderful! Holly & Jeff bought a house in Orleans(east of Ottawa)this summer, and have settled into life there, so nice to have them close enough to pop up and see them every now and then. Janie is doing a television broadcasting program at Algonquin college in Ottawa and seems to love it so life is good. We never did the kitchen reno we wanted to as Dave was way too busy with work, and we may find next year no better for that, but he is enjoying the challenge...maybe the kitchen goes on the back burner for another couple of years...ah well. Glad to see pictures of you both, and that you did pretty good with the radiotherapy Jane. Continued prayers and thoughts are with you my dear friend. xo Sally