Saturday 3 April 2010

Saturday 3rd April 2010

Jane has been having chemotherapy for almost 6 months now. I think she is going to have one more course and then take a break for a bit. We saw the oncologist on Maundy Thursday and agreed this approach jointly, subject to any test results that indicate we should do something else. Jane will have a scan at the end of the month and that will either confirm or alter plans. Jane's hip is still giving her a good deal of pain and is badly affecting her mobility. She's taking plenty of painkillers but she is only rarely out of pain. The palliative care team are doing their best and we shall see them again next week.

Other than that, not a lot to report - hence the long gap since my last post. The photo was taken in Barcelona about 2 years ago.

Love from us both


Jane said...

Thank you for keeping us all up to date, Peter. We think of you both such a lot, and loved the picture of you, Jane, at Jenny and Shay's wedding - so beautiful. Our prayers and Easter blessings to you all. Jane xxx

Sally said...

Dear Peter and Jane, Thankyou for the update Peter it's great to be able to find out how things are going for you all with this blog. I think of Jane often, and saying a little prayer each time I do. It's a quiet Easter this year, the girls all doing their own things; but we are blessed with sunshine and unusually warm temps so will enjoy it while it lasts. Love to you both.
Sally xo

Réal Munger said...

Thanks for keeping us posted you are on our mind and we are always hoping for good news, we had a good Easter the kids Wendy,Stephen and Tim with their spouses and the two grand daughters, were home for Easter diner and egg hunt. Richard is coming back from Afghanistan and should be in Edmonton for the 27th April . We can't wait to see him home safe. You are in our prayers . Love , Réal and Colleen