Sunday 29 April 2007

Sunday 29th April 2007

We have had a really busy weekend. Jane is now on her second cycle of chemo and the dose has been increased to about 75% of what she was having last summer. We think the higher dosage added to the cumulative effect of the first cycle is taking its toll. She is much more tired now and aches a lot. She is also suffering swollen ankles and fingers. That's the bad news but we have had a really good weekend.

We left Salisbury on Friday evening and were in Lostwithiel (Cornwall) in time for dinner with Andy and Jenny Barclay - preceded by a pint in the Globe! On Saturday morning we went on to Falmouth to spend the day with Leo. After a stroll in Falmouth we went on down to Perranuthnoe to see Jenni Gilbert in her new venture running a beach cafe - it's highly recommended (just 1/2 a mile off the Helston -Penzance road) and doing a roaring trade.

Jane samples Jenni's baked potato

In the afternoon Jane took a nap in Leo's room while Leo and I had a stroll on the beach. We had an early pub supper overlooking Falmouth Harbour before giving Leo a hug and returning to Lostwithiel. We started late on Sunday morning but Andy produced excellent scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee followed by Sunday papers in the garden.

Andy and Jenny smiling at the thought of peace at last

We stopped for lunch with Geoff and Maureen Albert on the way home in Crewkerne. It was Geoff's birthday so we had the added treat of gooseberry birthday cake in the garden. You won't be surprised to learn that Jane is taking a nap while I type this!

Maureen's gooseberry birthday cake


Sally said...

Hello Jane & Peter,
My goodness you have had a busy but fun-filled weekend by the sounds of it! That's nice that Leo lives in Cornwall, it must be so beautiful there by the sea. Sorry to hear you are feeling achy Jane, but thanks for posting the pictures, it is so nice to see what you're both up to each weekend. Our Janie is moving apartments tomorrow in Ottawa. She has Dave's truck while he is away, and plans to do it all with friends help. She has a job at Eddie Bauer for the summer. Rachie is also moving to the Port Credit area in Missisauga, it is on the harbourfront, she is sharing with friend Andrea. She has applied at WestJet and some other travel industry positions, in the meantime she is waitressing. Holly just taken another agriculture job in Queensland Australia with boyfriend...they are intent on extending their work holiday visa for another year by working 3 months of 'seasonal' work. Dave's second exercise is cancelled so he'll be home on May 2nd yay! Me, I'm planning to plant my window boxes tomorrow. :)
Have a good week. Love and hugs to you both.

Andy and Jenny said...

Hello from the very peacefull Cornwall hotel!"! it was great to see you both and to hear Jane's infectious laugh again!! I hope you have managed to rest since the trip west! Still sunny and another week of traffic queues and road works -just gettignreafy fro bank holiday weekend. Patrick got his first exam nextw eek but there are plans to see Leo -we thinK. Rachel ahs just phoned havign bought a dress fro her end of uni ball-a small fortune we think but worth every penny! Jane-we are sampling your tea that you left in the fridge..... need to track down a culture thingy now!! See you again soon-and thansk for the photos-great!! xxxxxxx The Cornwall Crew

Andy and Jenny said...

You can tell its late as my typing is mad!!! xxxxx For a small fee I can translate for anyone who wants!! xxx Byeeee

eva muller said...

Amazing,Jane,you travel more than i do.The reason for your strength must be the LOVELY ,HEALING KISSES from your husband(hi,hi,hi)!Could i please rent him for a while...?

All the best