Friday 4 March 2011

Friday 4th March

10am. Jane left us this morning at 7.55am. She was very peaceful and very beautiful. Lydia, Leo and I were with her. I will post details of the funeral etc in due course.

Thank you all for staying with us on this very special journey. We all appreciate the love and support you have given us.

God bless you.


Anonymous said...

hi peter i am very sorry to hear that Jane died this morning i know me and the Mackay family regarded Jane as a very special friend to us im thinking of u Leo and Lydia very much at this hard time for you.

Lots of love


Sue said...

Shane said to me this morning, on route to Paris, "I hate to leave the country but I am taking Jane with me in my heart". Jane will always be carried in the hearts of the many,many people whose lives she has touched with her love, her laughter, her wisdom and her faith in God. Sue x o o o

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear that Jane has finally lost her fight, but pleased she is at now at peace. She will be greatly missed.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Lydia and Leo at this sad time.

God bless.

Sue & Ben (Gilbert)xxx

Gervase Evans said...

We are truly sorry to have to hear this news Peter. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all.
We had such a short time to get to know Jane & we are so pleased & honoured to have had this chance of a life time. We never got to hear her sing but now the angels have a new lead singer.
With love to you all
Gervase & Shirley xxx

Molly Watts said...

Dearest Peter, Lydia and Leo, Jane has 'fought the good fight, finished the course and has kept the faith, and the crown of righteousness that was laid up for her has been awarded to her by the Lord, the righteous Judge'. We rejoice in the hope that Jane had in Jesus, knowing that her tears are wiped away and she will no longer suffer mourning, pain or crying. But we mourn with you at the loss of so special and exemplary child of our Father, your wife and mother. Much love Molly & Nigel xx

UHE said...

So very much love to all you. xxx

Andy and Jenny said...

Our thoughts are with you all.We will miss Jane so much but thank you for sharing her time with us. Jane will be in our hearts and we are here for you Lydia and Leo xxxx

The Sociable Homeschooler said...

Peter, Lydia and Leo, words cannot express the sorrow I feel at Jane's leaving. May she rest in peace.
Stay close to one another as she would have you do.
Love and tears from all of us in Texas.
Vivienne, Larry, Ian, Simon, Paris and

JanfromThan said...

I have spent some hours today, walking along the shore. A sunny, blustery shore, but full of energy and life A
path Jane and I often trod together when she came down to Broadstairs. We mulled life, we gossiped and we drank water and coffee at Morellis. I have also done that today, alongside many tears. Then a little nudge from Jane whilst I sat for a while on a bench looking over that shoreline. It bore a message ' in memory of the fun times we shared' - thankyou Jane for that nudge. I celebrate your life my darling and feel truly blessed to have been part of that life for so many years. Peace and pain free at last.
Thank you so much Peter for bringing us closer to Jane through this blog. I send love, prayers and hugs to you and your most beautiful children. Xxxx

Unknown said...

Peter, Lydia and Leo

I'm so very sorry.

Jane has been an example to so many of us - as this blog has shown, and will clearly be loved forever by all those who have known her; but you three have also filled me with admiration. Your courage, energy and love for Jane have been constant and boundless.

Thank you for sharing the journey.

with love

Jenni and Graham xxx

Lyn Koukoulis said...

I have just heard that Jane has finally returned *home* after her her long & painful journey. Life is a journey throughout which we learn about ourselves & others, how to love, laugh & cry. How to experience pain & loss. Jane has had so many experiences, and we her friends have been truly blessed when at times we have shared a pathway with her. She has taught us all so much, but her greatest gift of all in her life was to love. Goodbye my dear friend. God bless you and I thank you for always being you. My thoughts & prayers are with you Peter Lydia & Leo. God Bless you all. Lyn Koukoulis

Joy said...

Love and deepest sympathy to you, Lydia and Leo.x

Unknown said...

I am very sorry to learn that Jane died today and just wanted to send you, Lydia and Leo our best wishes at this sad time. Jane had an amazing zest for life and put up such a fight that she will be remembered by all who knew her with love and affection. Boo, Robert, Alice and Iain Ross

S Cooper said...

Dear Peter, Lydia, Leo & Jonathan too
Im so, so sorry to hear this news, your love and time together during these last moments will stay in your hearts along with all those memories of happier times. Please know that our thoughts are with you. Jane leaves, but her love lives on in you and your love and support for each other, the bond she cemented will never weaken.

With much love
Sharon, Andy, Velvet and Pearl xxxx

susie from st peters said...

have been thinking of you all today and can only imagine how you must be feeling. Sending you our love and Peter thank you again for sharing Jane with us all, you are a very special family. God bless x x

Unknown said...

God Bless you all during this very difficult and surreal period. May the prayers of many give you continued emotional strength.
Pace et bonum,
Jim and Zelda

Peter said...

Hello Peter. Everything changes; nothing changes. Our love and prayers continue for you all. God's love and presence remains the same, undimmed and eternal, and Jane is now more a part of that than ever she was before, yet is still herself, and can still be loved for all that made her who she was and is. In spite of all she and you have been through, remember that God is good.
"Life is eternal and love is immortal, and death is only an horizon, and an horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight."
Peter & Carol.

Unknown said...

Dear Peter, Lydia and Leo, we are so glad to have known Jane for so many years. She will always be in our hearts as you all are.
With all our love Jeni, James, Liz, Tom (Jane was his first teacher) and Emily x

mick mason said...

Rest in Peace Jane.

To all those people who supported this wonderful, brave person through her long journey - thankyou.

Mick,Faye Claire Gregg, Chris, Caro and Chloe.

Sally said...

Dave and I send you sympathy and a gentle time of love and healing together. xo