Monday 7 March 2011

Monday 7th March

7pm. Jane's funeral will be on Wednesday 16th March commencing at 1pm at St Paul's church in Salisbury. (They have a website for directions). Parking is likely to be very tight and I suggest you park on the Central Car Park and walk across to the church - it's about a ten minute stroll along Fisherton Street.

Jane very much wanted this to be a celebration. She suggested that you wear something in which you are comfortable; as you know, Jane loved colour and there is certainly no obligation to wear black.

We are requesting family flowers only and donations to Salisbury Hospicecare Trust via Chris White Funeral Directors, 12 South Street, Wilton, SALISBURY SP2 0JS. (There will be a retiring collection for the Hospice as well).

Immediate family only will accompany Jane to the crematorium. We will rejoin you for light refreshments in the Church Centre afterwards. We have no idea how many may attend so it could be interesting.

We have continued to receive so many wonderful messages of love and support - thank you.

God Bless you.


Ken said...

Thanks for the info Peter. We'll be there.
Jenny and Ken

Sally said...

We will be there in spirit Peter.